


Thousands and thousands of martial artists and trainers have purchased the BYOB series over the last decade, and now, we're excited to offer BYOB2, another comprehensive bundle of training tapes that will add new tools to your street defense tool box.

*BE YOUR OWN BODYGUARD® (BYOB) is one of our most important and motivating principles. Coined back in 1987 during research & development of the CEREBRAL Self-Defense seminar series, the principle & concept soon became the name for our best selling video home study program.

Here's what's in BYOB2:

1. SPEAR System® Fundamentals - includes bonus T-shirt
2. SPEAR System® Extreme Close Quarter Tools: The CQ Toolbox
3. SPEAR vs. Common Street Attacks
4. DANGEROUS COWARDS: Strategies for Multiple Assailants

You pay just $174.00 on DVD

Total Savings = $69


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PDR/BYOB MANUAL digital copy
Sale Price: $19.99 Original Price: $29.00

Be Your Own Bodyguard® Manual

Coach Blauer has finalized a new and improved version of the Be Your Own Bodyguard® Manual!

He's excited by the new format and as times are changing and many people are moving to digital only formats, Coach Blauer has decided make the new version a color PDF that you can view on your smart phone, tablet or computer.

You will be able to download the manual and print it out if you would like to.

Please allow up to 72 hours for the manual to be sent. It will be sent manually via email.

In 1994 Coach Blauer wrote an article called the 10 Street Fighting Guides.  People from all over the world resonated with and embraced his confrontation psychology and performance enhancement principles with open arms and open minds.  


1999 marked two decades of teaching; Coach Blauer’s Silver Anniversary and the Be Your Own Bodyguard® Manual was the updated version of the original guide from 1994.  A must for any SPEAR / PDR Coach.

Chapters include:



  • The Original 10 Commandments which are still relevant into today's training

  • The Overkill Training Mentality

  • Destructive Street Fight kicking

  • Street Modified Boxing

  • Close Quarter Range

  • Street Fight Ballistic Grappling

  • Street Psychology (The Forgotten Range)

  • Combining Ranges for the Street

  • Integrating the research with your Style

  • Street Self-Defense for Beginners