Average response time for police? 5-6 minutes. A lot happens in 300 seconds.
Tips for an active shooter
Don't Confuse Martial Arts with Self-Defense
Watch this footage from the Seattle University Shooting.
Now watch it again.
This hero had no special skills, no superpower, he just chose to act and in doing so saved many lives. (Yes he had pepper spray, but that could've been a drink, bottle, books, backpack, purse etc - reread my blog on triggering a flinch in the bad-guy).
The most important thing we want you to remember is that you are a 'human weapon'. And you don't need any martial arts training to 'be your own bodyguard' or a courageous bystander. You just need to act.
When violence is happening right beside you, you need to think fast and move fast. 👊 Moving away from the threat or charging it is always subjective and always based on the scenario, i.e., who you are , who you're with, etc. The bottom line is this: you need to move.
#beyourownbodyguard #choosesafety
Reread this blog - follow the formula
"Run, Hide, Fight: [Actually drop the hide].
In the wake of Orlando, I'd like to re-share 3 blogs in hopes the info will help you or a loved one.
No fear or Know Fear?
"I was trying to explain fear to my students and differentiate from the biological sensations and the psychological ruminations that I was forced to define a recipe and that spawned the CEREBRAL SELF-DEFENSE: Mental Edge" from my article on fear from 2002.